I was sitting at home bored surfing on the internet when Sean Bennett of Specimen models popped up on the instant messenger. I was telling him how bored I was and he asked me to test one of the guys he had placed with Ford. The model was leaving to go home for the holidays and that he wouldn't be back in New York until feburary for fashion week. I really didn't feel like shooting but I reluctantly said okay. We quickly discovered the guy was staying with people directly around the corner from me. Literally 5 minutes later my doorbell was buzzing and it was ..... lankly framed Kyle Saunders with lip piercing in the bottom right corner of his mouth. He was naturally gorgeous and i felt the best way to display his beautiful face was to just do these clean, high quality images....

Kyle was very easy to work with and unlike most male models, he is very aware of his strengths and with each pose he exemplified them with confidence.I was glad I had the chance to create these amazing images with such a character.

what do you guys think? ......Kyle Saunders of Ford Models NYC is definitely a star in the making.
more more more!!!