Sunday, February 17, 2013

portrait session: MATTHEW COATSWORTH @ soul artist mgmt.

ph. Tarrice Love
styling: Tarrice Love

A while back, I had the  wonderful opportunity  to work  with  model and  web entrepreneur Matthew Coatsworth.

He  and  his  brother  Andrew have  started an online  shopping  experience  called It’s kind of like a Pinterest where everyone goes on and shares images, but on Pinterest, you can’t buy anything. The idea is to have members dictate what products they’ll be selling on their site. Members can post photos of clothing, home decor or anything that tickles their fancy, and the brothers will either stock those items, or provide links to where it could be purchased.

Members will also have the ability to ‘Love’ or ‘Coat’ a photo and become trendsetters by racking up points.

They get points off of it and matthew and  andrew  keep track so they can get more exposure and create a following, so now they’re also influencing trends and not just buying.

For now, though, members will only be able to post photos so that they can first test the waters and get an idea of some hot items people are looking for. The full site will be available this year around April.

check out the  video below  to see  exactly  how it works.

1 comment:

  1. has real potential to take off this Spring, though the video did put me down like a wandering dog. You did a better job of explaining the online experience than the detention demo. Matthew's hair is the realist.
