my wall.

this is my wall of visual influences that are the center core of my ideas. i have been doing the wall every since i was 13 years old. When i was a kid, i began feeding my addiction to magazines. I would put the tearsheets of shit I liked on my wall near my bed so when i woke up in the mornings the first thing I would see is all the things I was inspired by. It was also the last thing I would see before i fell asleep so my love of beauty, art, and fashion would fill my dreams. As the years went by, models I worked with in memphis would stare at the wall to get an idea of what direction I was on and try to give me that.
Everytime I go home to memphis I bring some of my wall back with me.
music videos in the 80's and 90's was a big influence.
i remember anticipating the MTV World Premiere videos and being blown away by my favorite artist visual interpretations of there music. its funny now you can hardly catch a music video on MTV or BET. i can't post every video that inspired me, but i will include a few that really rocked my world.
heavy d - nuttin but love
i loved this video because it was packed with beautiful models and this was the first time i saw fashion models in a music video. It was eye-poppin colorful and filled with personality.
9th wonder - digable planets
this video made me wanna live in brooklyn soooo bad. I live on the A train line and this video was shot on the a train line. :)
flavor in ya ear - craig mack
all i can say this is one of the first hype williams videos i saw taht made me eel like i was watching a black and white photo come to life.
rain - madonna
i like alot of madonna videos but this is the first to come to mind when i think is most inspiring. it is a like absorbing the pages of a high fashion magazine....
anything - swv
this video is hood fabulous. i love the song and tyson beckford is all up in this video during his pre-ralph lauren days.
Richard Avedon

I was watching a documenary on Avedon. He was shooting Lauren Hutton for the Chanel no.5 fragrance ad from his hospital bed after having a heart attack. I thought this is one cold muthafucka - lying in a hospital bed, hooked to machines and shit...and he still killin us with the hot shit. Thats some serious passion for what you do. gotta respect that.
Ernie Barnes

THE JJ PAINTINGS...if it wasn't for Good Times i would have never got to appreciate to fine work of Ernie Barnes.
i love for the human body and Azzedine Alaia designs compliment the body better than any other designer. they are sexy and fun. his designs have "inspired" herve leger and many others. I love Alaia because he dosen't follow trends, he does whatever he want in an industry that trys to tell you what you gotta....gotta respect that.
these are just some of the things i look at to reference ideas for my work.
When I walked into the room and saw the wall for the first time.. i said to myself, "This is part of what this dude is a genius" keep doing your thing bruh...and thanks for sharing your inspirations