me and our new president Mr. Obama...finally black is in fashion....LOL
Right now i feel real good about my life. I am in NYC living my dream. I have made plenty of mistakes, but I learn from every single one of them. I pray to God to continue to lead me in the right direction and i know my journey thru life leads me toward happiness and success.

me and my co-workers in manhattan preparing to walk those massive blocks to deliver your packages on time.
Sometimes I think people forget i'm a human being. I work a physically demanding job everyday ( i speed walk 75 blocks...no joke, I counted in 1 1/2 hours).... Then I come home to shoot and/or retouch until I pass out. I cope with the same obstacles that life throws everyone else...bills, family shit...job shit...real life. I'm winning, and I feel sooo good about whats in store for me. I celebrate my life by making every moment mean something, by being true to myself, and living it for me.LOL! If I died tomorrow, every image I have created will be true to my vision and of myself. My work is a personal testiment of me as an artist. I AM BLESSED...and it is an awesome feeling to share my blessings with the world.

ended the week on a good note...no mistakes (finally)
thats hot you are willing to share the inside of your life like that...much respect
ReplyDeleteThat was inspiring!
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost I love your work...I always have! But after reading this post I really want to say how kewl it is to know that you have been able to accomplish all that you have on top of the full time job! I am tracking a similar path into photography and it feels better for some reason that I am not alone in my path to success! If you can do it ... perhaps so can i!
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the only photographers who ever share more than their work with the world. You're real, straight-forward and because you share everything you're inspiring a lot of people. Takes a lot of bravery and humbleness, I admire that.