Sunday, June 8, 2008

007: WE DID IT AGAIN - Shawn Sutton@red models nyc

last sunday we did it again....and this time it didn't rain. we were in my neighborhood in brooklyn and people were everywhere. little girls were watching and amazed at how "unreal" he looked. I styled him with the concept of combining sports uniform with a suit and tie. lol, it was fun and we were getting good shots until the muslims across the street were upset about me shooting in the area. My building superviser told me that the buildings are co-owned by Malcolm X and its some kind of historic momument. so we stopped....more so because i didn't have a permit and the battery pack for my strobe died. after that we did some more studio stuff. I didn't get the opportunity to do body stuff with him and i was disappointed about that  - esp since body work is a major strength of mine and he has a good body. Nonetheless the stuff we did turned out good and I was able to add something different to Shawn Sutton portfolio.

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