me and our new president Mr. Obama...finally black is in fashion....LOL
Right now i feel real good about my life. I am in NYC living my dream. I have made plenty of mistakes, but I learn from every single one of them. I pray to God to continue to lead me in the right direction and i know my journey thru life leads me toward happiness and success.

me and my co-workers in manhattan preparing to walk those massive blocks to deliver your packages on time.
Sometimes I think people forget i'm a human being. I work a physically demanding job everyday ( i speed walk 75 blocks...no joke, I counted in 1 1/2 hours).... Then I come home to shoot and/or retouch until I pass out. I cope with the same obstacles that life throws everyone else...bills, family shit...job shit...real life. I'm winning, and I feel sooo good about whats in store for me. I celebrate my life by making every moment mean something, by being true to myself, and living it for me.LOL! If I died tomorrow, every image I have created will be true to my vision and of myself. My work is a personal testiment of me as an artist. I AM BLESSED...and it is an awesome feeling to share my blessings with the world.

ended the week on a good note...no mistakes (finally)