my self portrait wearing my photoshoot overalls. I wore these at almost ever photoshoot because they were roomy and had lots of pockets for film and stuff...
I didn't have professional equipment.. In the beginning I used construction lights and clamp lights like the ones pictured above...
I look at young photographers today and look at all the advance technology today and how they are so dependent on photoshop and retouching to make their images come alive. They "need" a team of artist, makeup, hair, stylist and retouchers to successfully create a fashion image. I didn't have none of that (still don't). I didn't have photoshop to cover up things I didn't know or a model's imperfections. I had to work with people with good bodies and great skin and learn how to use light, shadows, and composition properly.
I look at new photographers work and haveta remind myself what my work looked like in the beginning. I thought I was the coldest muthafuxah with a camera in Memphis (thus the name ice-itsocool).
.... the following images are some of the examples of what my work looked like when I started.
.... the following images are some of the examples of what my work looked like when I started.
these are from my first photoshoot. My besy friend , Dawn Jones Kimble, was my model for a class assignment to capture a sense of place. Everyone in class just lazily snapped images of campus life...I wanted to incorporate my love for fashion into the assignment. We rode the city bus downtown , in the cold rain to do my first "fashion" shoot. to this day these shots are some of my favorite images...
I was lucky to have a best friend who modeled for me. She taught me makeup tricks and different posing techniques that i still use today. The most important thing she taught me was to trust myself.... and trust my artistic vision.
I have had a natural ability to draw and paint since childhood and I have always tried to apply my artistic abilities into the images i created. Many times I incorporated the drawings and paints in the images.

I didn't have professional models at my disposal, only my friends and my classmates. I taught myself to work with people of all different body types, color tones, and communicate with very different personalities. They allowed me to experiment with different techniques to figure out what works and what doesn't.
my goal was to make beautiful images and help show the greatness I saw in people who were close to me.
one of the coolest things I learned was the power of fashion and art to transform people. I found this tall and pretty 16 year old Erica Carroll and with the help of my friend , Malaika who did hair and makeup for me sometimes, we transformed her into a sexy glamazon. I think the experiences she had working with me and my crew completely changed the way she saw herself forever...I know it changed the way our friends saw her.
Every now and then I haveta step back and look at some of the work I did in the beginning to remind myself why I want to do this. The work I did in the beginning has inspired the approach I have on the way I do things today. It is real easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of industry bullshit. Everything I have done is my steps towards creating some kind of truth for myself and the people who enjoy my work.
I know my work has changed a lot since the first time i picked up a camera, but it does hold a special place thats just as strong ( on some levels even stronger) in my heart. My work has always been personal for me....i make a personal commitment to everyone who steps in front of my lens and thats been the double edge sword I proudly carry.